A Nurse Manager Is Reviewing the Stages of Conflict Resolution With the Nursing Staff

ISSN: 1130-8621

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The report was to describe and previous analysis study with an constructive managing director in nursing.


This manuscript uses systematic review design. The database is obtained from online database EBSCO, Science-Direct, JSTOR, BMC, ProQuest, Sage-Periodical, and Springer=Link from 2012 to 2017. The selections are based on inclusion criteria that accept been foreordained.


A full of 11,917 studies was found from six databases. From, the number of these direct search, systematic review identifies conformity based on the title, then that it obtained 23 studies with a championship that suitable for the selected discussion. The number of resources that had been studied was as many as nine kinds of literature by classifying 4 factors that exemplify effective managers in nursing in terms of communication skills, leadership, work duration as well as experience and education.


The nursing manager can be portrayed every bit effective if they possess acceptable. Effective communication skills with all level of organizations, positive leadership, ideals sensation. An constructive manager must be supported past continuous skills through professional working experience and education. These factors need to be adult every bit an effective of management. The implications for nursing management must create effective managers who produce quality nursing services to patients.


Nurse executive

Managing director

Effective manager


Texto completo


Competent managers are highly essential in building an arrangement to be developed, peculiarly in facing global challenge. This is of import because managers will affect many norms to increment the quality of service.ane Effective nursing manager's part impact on the quality of services for patients, the balls and prolongation of organizations.2,3 1 of the abilities of competent managers is their ability to atomic number 82, unite activities and so that every aspect of organizations can run finer.iv,5

Nursing managers blank duties to establish responsibleness from a small grouping of people to a large group of people carrying complex bug.6 Nursing managers must have capabilities, skillfulness to oversee many things efficiently and systematically.two Ideal managers contour in nursing is judged by their leadership. Managers in nursing will affect the nurses' performance, create strategies in many sectors, and found a conducive working environment in order to benefit the organizations.seven

Managers office in nursing involves many units with other multidiscipline, that preoccupy personal or interpersonal and grouping factors. The guise of a manager in nursing must exist able to delegate and provide influence in many sectors in the organizations.2

Nursing managers volition withstand many complex demands every 24-hour interval, in terms of controlling labor, taking work risks, providing working innovations, collaborating with other multidiscipline, formulating recruitments to developing staffs.one,3,eight The quality of services for patients and numbers of turnover will bear on the effectiveness of a nursing director.9,x

There are many types of research regarding managers in nursing. However, at that place is no enquiry that determines the description of an effective director in nursing. Therefore, inquiries are needed for comprehending the description of effective managers in nursing. This paper will investigate many portrayals of effective managers in nursing.


This systematic review obtained a appointment from online database Ebsco, Science Direct, BMC, Jstor, ProQuest, Sage Journal, and SpringerLink. Journals examinations, manufactures, and literature review using the keywords: nurse executive, nurse manager, and effective manager. Data were obtained from 2012 to 2017. Discovery journals, articles, and literature with such keywords from the source were every bit many as xi,917. The pick process was washed based on the predetermined inclusion criteria.

Paper of study result was identified based on criteria which gear up using the framework the PICos: P=participants, I=interest, Co=Context, and S=types of studies (Table ane). Studies selection adapted PRISMA flow model. The selection process went through 3 steps. Get-go, the search in nine databases obtained 11,917 studies. Side by side, the outset step is to identify the championship, which appropriates with the keyword and word, then eliminating xi,816 studies, which left 101 studies with appropriate titles. The second stride is based on the abstract (n =23), and the 3rd selection is the content of studies as a whole based on inclusion criteria (n =9) (Fig. one). Furthermore, analyzing of effective of the nursing director.

Inclusion criteria are (1) title, and the abstract article focuses on nursing manager, (2) articles published in English language, (3) articles that have nurses' samples in the hospital in managerial level, and (four) inquiry uses literature review methods, cross-sectional, experimental, quantitative or qualitative. Exclusion criteria in this systematic review include managerial articles in general. Steps of research washed can be seen in Fig. 1, and after obtaining nine papers, information technology will ease the analysis process, done systematically (Tabular array two).


In many results of studies involving the finished option process based on inclusion criteria, in that location is as many as 9 kinds of literature that go report materials in this systematic review. Factors that portray effective managers in nursing are categorized past the author into four parts, communication skills, education, work duration as well every bit work experience, and leadership. Categories of the portrayal of effective managers can be seen in Table 2, and enquiry results classifications based on study design tin can exist seen in Tabular array 3.

Advice skills. Communication becomes essential for all circles of people, particularly for managers in nursing. Managers must be able to communicate effectively in any condition. This is because communication is the mentorship central for other staffs, coordinating multidiscipline, easing problem-solving, creating confidence, overcoming conflicts, edifice interpersonal attachments, and describing critical thinking.6,eleven,12,thirteen

Leadership. Leadership is a process that needs to be developed. The leadership of managers will affect their numbers of turnover, working environment, work operation and quality of service for patients.iii,6,9 Nursing management that possesses constructive leadership volition be able to constitute skilful teamwork, provide motivations, elucidate conflicts, mediate strategic decisions and maximize staff work satisfaction.14,15

Educational activity. Unfaltering pedagogy is imperative for managers because they will get the source of information and mentor.three,viii The informational post cannot be separated from managers as the data provider for their staffs, whether it is delegating or executing functions with other multidiscipline which will be more than effective.8

Work elapsing and piece of work experience. Work duration is a period that had been succeeded in the history of piece of work in nursing professions. Work duration includes work experience where in fourth dimension will hone their skills also as nursing skills. A procedure that will be washed volition ascend nurses to managerial levels. Managerial positions in nursing tend to exist accomplished by nurses who have expert piece of work duration and skills.3,8 Longer work duration for managers in nursing will become a process for edifice confidence, gaining wider connections and cooperative, assigning duties and executing delegation functions every bit well as collaboration.2


It was shown in our systematic review that four factors. Those factors are categorized into four parts and go competencies that accept to exist possessed for condign managers in effective nursing. Effective nurses' managers are interpreted by their leadership skills. Leaders will influence a group of people to reach the aforementioned goal in organizations.9

In order to prompt a group of people, leaders need to establish effective communications, and the author opinionates, effective advice becomes fundamental in contriving leadership in a person. Nursing manager's leadership volition as well affect the number of turnovers of nurses in the hospital which will ascend the quality of nursery for patients.2,half-dozen,xvi

Occasionally there are managers who are authoritarians in executing their duties, where their leadership nursing managers should have been more open to dialogs and make decisions with their staffs.4,12,17 The previous research results stated that transformational leadership styles create a more than positive influence for establishing conducive environment, compared to Laissez-faire leadership styles that tend to contrive blame culture.18 The research suggested that managers in nursing should apply transformational leadership because this leadership style is perceived to be more effective in supporting better staffs piece of work functioning.14

Every leadership has advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, more than discussions are needed to pursue the value of effective leadership fashion for nursing managers and continuous leadership developments for a manager in nursing to establish constructive managers.

Other factors that describe constructive managing director in nursing is based on instruction. The author recognizes that education shall exist followed by work experience because it volition hone skills, increment knowledge, boost confidence in playing the role and functions of managerial and staffs. That skillfulness will be supported by the number of nurses' interactions during their professions and experience in caring for the patients. They are different from the staffs who merely finished their studies and become managers, in terms of their confidence and skill in nursing executions.3,8

Managers in nursing can be said to be more effective if they possess acceptable communication skills with all level of organizations, positive leadership styles supported by the skills that are honed through professional person working experience and unceasing didactics.

Factors for creating effective nursing managers practice not evidence up instantly, it needs some underlying and continuing process of learning for constructive managers in nursing to exist. Nursing management plays important parts in shaping the nurses' working culture and creating service quality to patients, this comprises knowledge development planning, skillfulness, and other interpersonal capabilities. Specialized leaders in the managerial position in nursing need expert skills and competencies to create conducive working culture, subtract burnout and increase service quality for patients.

Conflict of interests

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


This work is supported by Hibah PITTA 2018 funded past No. 1853/UN2.R3.1/HKP.05.00/2018.



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Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the Second International Nursing Scholar Congress (INSC 2018) of Kinesthesia of Nursing, Universitas Indonesia. Full-text and the content of it is under responsibility of authors of the article.

Copyright © 2019. Elsevier España, Due south.L.U.. All rights reserved


Source: https://www.elsevier.es/es-revista-enfermeria-clinica-35-articulo-description-an-effective-manager-in-S1130862119301809

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